Thursday, November 7, 2019
Analysis of Personality Type Essay Essays
Analysis of Personality Type Essay Essays Analysis of Personality Type Essay Essay Analysis of Personality Type Essay Essay My overall personality has it strengths and failings. I believe we all have our ruins. I’ve been told I’m truly surpassing. Goofy. loving. amusing. kindhearted. intelligent. but besides really helpful. I’ve besides been described as quiet. and really diffident. This can be good and bad in a figure of ways for a figure of grounds. Put all of this along with my vark type. and SDS study and you have one interesting individual. When it comes to being surpassing there is a clip and a topographic point. It’s O.K. to be surpassing but non in certain scenes like in a schoolroom in the center of a talk where everyone should be quiet. yet attentive. Equally far as being Goofy all the clip. gives me the chance to elate others in ways that I neer thought was possible. Simply talking to person and doing them laugh can alter a individual twenty-four hours drastically ; good that’s what my friends ever say. They could travel from holding an all right twenty-four hours to a great twenty-four hours from a simple hullo. a smiling. and a small gag from clip to clip. I’ve been told laughter is the key to life and we’d all be bitter without it so I try to maintain people around me express joying. Bing amusing comes natural and I’ve been told I have that â€Å"natural touch. †Making person laugh can lighten up any dull minute and alteration someone’s twenty-four hours merely every bit good as speech production to them. I love to laugh and I besides try to maintain people express joying because it’s merely something I enjoy making. At times I don’t even seek to be amusing and I still accomplished this end without even seeking. I can be really kindhearted when I choose to. For illustration I have a love for assisting people so I am highly sort when it comes to person desiring my aid. It makes me experience like I have done like a good title. . I’ll reasonably much aid with anything every bit long as it doesn’t harm me or them in any manner. I’m besides really intelligent. I can speak and educate person who is unfamiliar with merely about any topic. including. mathematics. and even English. These are merely a few of my strengths which bring out good and bad features of my personality. Equally far as seting all of this with my VARK. and SDS studies I think I am one interesting individual. In the VARK study I am more of a kinaesthetic and so a ocular scholar. In some instances that could be a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about that is I can thing is when I give presentations ; I can truly do it come alive. Alternatively of merely composing all of these deadening words down I would set a batch of images and colourss on at that place. and convey it together in a manner where it catches your oculus to do you desire to pay attending. But. in some instances it could be bad because what if my foreman doesn’t like the whole image thought because he or she is a different type of scholar. Well our personalities could collide. When it comes to the SDS study I am an ECS which means I am enterprising. conventional and really societal. Enterprising means that I am a type of individual that likes to carry or direct others. really adventuresome. agreeable. and ambitious. Conventional means that I am follow orderly modus operandis and run into clear criterions. and I am besides really careful and efficient obedient. and orderly. Last but non rent I am really societal. intending I like to assist. learn. advocate people. really friendly. concerted generous and sensible. I have a few distractions and failings when it comes to my personality but I plan to work on them on a day-to-day footing. As of now. my strengths out manner my failings so I don’t have much to worry approximately. I’ll focal point chiefly on my strengths but besides put a certain sum of attempt towards bettering my failings. Career Profile Out of the full calling I have looked at. I think I would wish to travel in to the concern field. Not merely any concern. CEO. or an entrepreneur type thing. Knowing that I like to cook I will integrate that into my calling pick excessively. A CEO ( Chief Executive officer ) is a rubric of a individual who holds the highest place in a company. A Chief executive officer is really individualised depending upon the size of the company. and of class they have to hold the right instruction. To be a CEO you have to hold a MBA. which requires a 4 twelvemonth undergraduate grade. and some of a alumnus surveies as good. If I where to travel to rate school at Michigan State it would be about 39. 896 for an out of province pupil. I would hold to hold a GPA demand of 3. 4-3. 8. and it takes about 4 old ages to complete. Because I live in Texas I would hold to relocate myself to Michigan. To acquire into grad school you have to take the GMAT. The GMAT trial doesn’t trial you on cognition in concern or other topics. it is a mental intelligence examiner. and to see how good you can do a determination under force per unit area. Most grad schools look at your college classs and GPA. but they truly pay attending to your GMAT. It is truly of import. Next is an enterpriser. An enterpriser is a individual who organizes and manages a concern set abouting presuming the hazard for the interest of net income. Besides they see chance. and take it to construct a program. Get down his or her concern to pull off and have net income. Be an enterpriser it is a good thought to take the same path as a CEO. that manner your instruction is much higher than some of the other concern proprietors. and might be more successful. Last but non least is my love for cooking. I truly want to travel into that field every bit good largely the concern side of it any manner. To travel into any of having any type of nutrient industry. it is merely just that you go to culinary school. so that you know how to cook for one. and how to run your ain nutrient concern. If I where to travel to a culinary school I would pick La Cordon Bleu. For one they teach you all the culinary techniques you need to cognize. and they besides teach you how to run and work in the nutrient industry. To go to La Cordon Bleu Its cost about $ 37. 500 to acquire a BA in Culinary Arts and Baking $ Pastry. and its takes about 14 months or a twelvemonth and 2 months to acquire your grade. If you put all three of these together you have some one that is an Chief executive officer of a Food company or a eating house concatenation. and person who can non merely run a concern but cook in it excessively. To come in my field of pick I am looking at about $ 80. 000 and that’s merely instruction entirely. If I add the resettlement and lodging and nutrient added on with the instruction. th at is about $ 100. 000. Once I start working that is a different narrative. A Chief executive officer starts out at approximately $ 366. 551. and at the most could do up to $ 1. 117. 442. On norm a Chief executive officer makes about $ 704. 731. A Chief executive officer works approximately 50 to 60 hours a hebdomad. Its expressions like I am traveling to be really busy. A chef starts off a 45. 000 a twelvemonth and could do up to $ 96. 000. and on norm they make about 75. 000 a twelvemonth. A chef works about 35-45 hours a hebdomad. and if you are a CEO or the proprietor of that peculiar eating house I likely would be working twice those hours. I’m looking at a really clip devouring life. In some field there is a small. or a large thing called benefits. If you are a CEO you get Great benefits. I’m speaking insurance for everything. alveolar consonant. oculus physician. regular physician. and anything else you can acquire covered in they fundamentally covered. When you are a CEO of anything there is a 70 % travel rate. so you will ever be on th e spell to a new topographic point. An mean working day is about 12-16 hours. Besides to be a CEO you have to cognize staff development and leading methods. because it is a demand. To be a chef you have some benefits. but if you are a chef and a Chief executive officer it truly doesn’t affair what your benefits are for being a chef. because you are reasonably much covered in CEO portion. The chef travel rate is about 20-40 % and your work about 4 twenty-four hours a hebdomad and about 8-10 hours a twenty-four hours. Some demand to be a chef you have to hold Pastry and cookery manners and techniques. and some baking methods. Besides you have to be physically fit and have to cognize how to work in 3-4 star eating houses. Bing in this Fieldss or Fieldss. it is traveling to necessitate a batch of work and clip from me. but I know if I merely remain focus and remain on top of my game. I can make it. And if I see that I might fall. good there is ever a pick of holding a assisting manus. possibly like a partnership on the concern side merely to take some of the burden off of my shoulders. Entering this field I know I want to do certain that this is truly what I want to make. So I asked 2 people if they would wish to portion some of their tips on how they made it through school. and how long did it take them to acquire at that place. Now I truly wasn’t able to interview aliens. so I interviewed some people that I already knew. The first individual was my concern professor. Dr. McNeil. He has the highest grade in concern. but he isn’t the Chief executive officer of anything. but he did state me how to last in concern school. What I learned from him is that you have to travel into school know that there are a batch of people that you are viing against. There are people from all over the universe that are seeking to do it in the concern industry. but you can’t allow that strike hard you down. He told me when he was in concern school it was really difficult to acquire interviews. because it was ever that one individual that was better than him. But he said that didn’t stop him. He merely knew that he had to work harder and smarter. When he went to Career carnivals and tried to look for occupations. he didn’t merely give his sketch out nor merely give his concern card out. He sold himself and his personality to the other concern proprietors and CEOs to acquire occupations and internship for more instruction in his field. Once he changed how he approached the people and how he talked to the people. he saw that more and more people where inquiring him to work for their companies. The other individual I interviewed was my Culinary Teacher signifier high school. Mr. Chef Brown. He is so in the eating house concern. and I thought he would be the perfect individual to state me how to acquire at that place. He is a instructor and has a catering concern on the side. My culinary instructor was right where I was in some old ages ago. in college and non certain what he wanted to make. He decided to travel to culinary school. because he liked nutrient. At first he wasn’t believing about having his ain eating house. He was at that place because he knew he was traveling to acquire to eat what he cooked. Talk about traveling in with the incorrect province of head. Once he was a twelvemonth into his culinary college he noticed that he was larning manner more than he expected to wish larning all types of manners of cooking methods. and larning how to run and have his ain concern. That was an oculus opener for him. It gave him an thought on what he wanted to make when he got out of school. What I got from his interview was when you traveling to take your calling. don’t merely travel in at that place because you like what they do. Travel in at that place cognizing what you are traveling to acquire out of and it and cognizing what you are traveling to make when you are done. He points was besides similar to my concern professor. there is ever traveling to be person better than you. So work difficult and smart. but largely work smarter. and when you traveling to school cognize what you want to acquire out of it. Rearward Goal Setting When you are seeking to acquire something accomplished you have to hold a program. or certain ends you want to run into. To be an CEO. acquire into entrepreneurship. or chef I have to hold a program. and I have to get down now. Get downing with my far far manner program. and that is to have my ain concern and be successful. To have my ain concern I have to travel to concern school. and because of the type of concern I want to have. I have to travel to culinary school. Which leads me to my following end. the far off end. and that is traveling to La Cordon blue cheese for the survey of Culinary Arts and Baking a Pastry. My following end is the 1 that is in distance. and that is traveling to grad school. It’s traveling to take some difficult work to acquire at that place. But. to acquire at that place I have to work on my end that is down at that place street which is completing college. Some people don’t even make it through their first-year twelvemonth of college. But I am traveling to do it my end to acquire through my first-year twelvemonth. and non merely do through. I want to complete off with a 3. 5 GPA. The lone manner I will be able to make these ends is I have to do them credible to myself. Get downing with my on the couch end. completing my first-year twelvemonth with a 3. 5 GPA. To do it realistic I truly want to hit for a 4. 0 GPA but I know that isn’t possible coming from a 2. 8 GPA. but I will still maintain it in the dorsum of my caput for motive. because I desire to acquire a 4. 0. Now cognizing that this is where I want to be. I am traveling to hold to come up with a program to acquire to my on the couch end. and be able to do it to my far far off end. I have to do it come to world. This semester I want to complete my first-year twelvemonth off with a knock. by conveying my 2. 8 up to a 3. 5. I know I have to ever travel to category. survey. and seek to go through trial and quizzes. and merely truly set attempt in to all 7 categories that I have all this semester. I will necessitate books. a computing machine. and a bible to assist me acquire through this. because I know it will be a tough thing to make. If I put my head to it I know I can make it. I don’t truly think I would necessitate money ; it’s all about seting forth some attempt. My wagess would be that I would go eligible to look for internships to assist me acquire some pattern in my field that I want to travel into. I besides can use for scholarships to assist pay for the remainder of my manner in college. If I start now. and get down analyzing every dark signifier 9-11pm and do certain that I get adequate remainder. I will do to my on the couch end and my far far off end. MentionsEllis-Christensen. Tricia. and O. Wallace. â€Å"What Is a Chief executive officer? †WiseGeek. Speculation. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. wisegeek. com/what-is-a-ceo. htm gt ; . Diploma. P. ( 2010 ) . What sort of Degree Do You Necessitate to Be a CEO? Retrieved from Phony Diploma: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. phonydiploma. com/what-kind-of-degree-do-you-need-to-be-a-ceo. aspx Oklahoma. T. U. ( n. d. ) . The OU Price of College of Business. Retrieved Feb 24. 2012. from OU. EDU: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ou. edu/content/price/mba/mba_fulltime. html School. C. B. ( 2011 ) . GMAT ( Graduate Mangament Admission Test ) . Retrieved from GMATCAT. COM: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. gmatcat. com/GMAT. hypertext markup language â€Å"SBA Direct. †What Is an Entrepreneur? Web. 09 Mar. 2012. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Small Business Administration. gov/content/what-entrepreneur gt ; .
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